Without even realising it our dogs very quickly become key and loved members of our family.

All the way from an 8 week old pup to a rescue dog there may well be moments when you need some advice and support on how to best make sure your 4-legged mate is happy & secure, and fitting well into your life.

We will work with you and your dog to develop long term behaviour changes.

Together with you we will create a happy and fulfilled dog.

“Ian has given me the foundational blocks to build a strong relationship with my Cane Corso, and as a result, I am more confident in my approach and training with her and it is showing!”

Darshna and the lovely Nova

Behaviour Modification

Does your dog get stressed when you leave the home?

Can your dog be aggressive with other dogs?

Does your dog guard food, toys or even you?

Does your dog never seem to settle, always bouncing with energy?

Does your dog appear anxious, always pacing around and never relaxing?

At some point we all go through periods with our dogs that are challenging and we want to alter their behaviour to keep them happy and secure.

“We only use force-free and positive methods to work with your dog based on the latest scientific study & approaches. The wellbeing of every dog is at the heart of our approach and style”

Behaviour modification requires a holistic approach to give the best long term results and in doing so we will look at the elements below to give one powerful and caring impact:

  • Individual dog specific training program based around desensitisation and counter conditioning
  • Managing the dog’s environment for best chances of success
  • Coaching you, the guardian, on human-dog two-way communication
  • Nutritional welfare assessment

Where to start?

It’s often really hard to know where to start when your dog exhibits a behaviour that is undesirable or even dangerous.

It can be upsetting, bewildering and sometimes scary.

As dog behaviourists it is vital to get a full understanding of your dog, and how they live with you. This will include everything from their background, home environment, medical condition, nutrition and of course behaviour triggers.

Understanding the context of your dog behaviour problem will allow us to assess and make a detailed action plan to move towards your desired behaviour goals using force-free and positive reinforcement approaches only.

Our  Preliminary online Dog Behaviour Consult is the first step of a process that enables us to advise and support you to reach an agreed set of behaviour goals.

As dog behaviour specialists, we follow a scientific and holistic approach to working with you to meet your behaviour goals.

Step 1 – Preliminary online Dog Behaviour Consult

Step 2 – Preparatory research

Step 3 – Face to face observation session

Step 4 – Walkthrough & agree your Behaviour Report and Action Plan

Step 5 – Ongoing support and review for the duration of the modification

We are firm believers in a force-free and positive approach to behaviour modification, after all we all operate at our best when happy & motivated…same for our dogs.

Together we will modify the behaviour and at the same time keep your dog happy and engaged

“Hi would highly recommend Ian. My rescue lab Hayley has been quite aggressive on occasions. Ian has shown and helped me how to deal with any given situation Would recommend if you need help with your dog”

Alison and the lovely rescue Lab Hayley

Our ‘Calm Pack Therapy’

Dog on Dog aggression is always scary for our dogs and for us.

Much dog on dog aggression is triggered by her stress and fear of a situation and her inablity to communicate how she is feeling in a way that other dogs understand.

It is an incredibly stressful time for a dog and it is the point where they can no longer cope with that extreme stress they will either flee, freeze…or fight.

There is much we can do to help this situation for your dog and for you.

“It will take time, patience and an open mind but by taking a mutli-faceted approach to working with the problem we will be able to help “

Ian, Co-Founder and Dog Behaviourist

At the right time in the process we will introduce our Calm Pack Therapy sessions over a period of weeks and months.

In essence our Calm Pack Therapy is for dogs that are scared of the situation they find themsleves in and they do not yet know how to cope with this extreme stress.

We will introduce your dog to a small pack of especially calm and non reactive dogs at a pace that your dog will dictate.

She will work out for herself that her fears are unfounded and then start to learn from our calm dogs how to behave and react. Progress can be quick or take longer but as with us humans the only pace is the pace she can handle.

This is a key part of the process of building up self confidence and learning to commincate better with their own species.

Rescue Dogs

One of our greatest passions is working with rescue dogs.

Do you want to know what to expect and how to prepare for them?

Is your rescue dog nervous and fearful?

Are you struggling to bond and integrate with your rescue dog?

Does your rescue have any of the behaviour challenges noted above?

Many rescue dogs will have come from an unknown or terrible background, the impact on their behaviour may well manifest itself with you.

We will work as a team to build her confidence to become the happy and contented dog she can be, and give you the relationship you want

Ian Co-Founder and Dog Behaviourist

You can read reviews on us Just Be More Dog

Our Pricing

Our Dog Behaviour Modification Package
This is an all encompassing package to help with dog behaviour problems carried out by Ian Karbaron, our qualified Dog Behaviourist.
Our approach is designed to build trust and empathy with your dog by using a combination of force free canine psychology methods and fun 🙂

Single sessions from £100 (includes action plan plus dedicated WhatsApp group for support for each dog)

Behaviour package comprises of:
An initial online video overview, at no charge
An initial behaviour assessment session face to face session 90 mins+
A bespoke behaviour report detailing the issues, reasoning and a behaviour modification plan
A further 2 behaviour sessions to refresh and review progress,  typically at 2-3 week intervals
Ongoing telephone and video support
Price starting from £300 is payable for this new engagement package
Please note existing clients will be charged £80 per session.

Calm Pack Therapy Programme
This is a bespoke programme designed for dogs that are struggling in dog on dog situations, normally culminating in shows of aggression.
It is jointly carried out by Ian Karbaron (qualified Dog Behavioiurist) and Amy Scott.
Our goal is to desensitise a socially awkward dog by meeting a new and specially selected calm pack of dogs, at a pace that the fearful dog can cope with. We increase the interaction and bring in new dogs together slowly. This will increase their resilience to a stressful situation and enable them to learn for themselves that they can cope and hopefully enjoy dog to dog interaction moving forward.
Safety of all the dogs and guardians is paramount and we make sure that appropriate equipment is used and a safety first approach guides our approach and pace of work.

Single sessions of 45 mins £90
(includes 2 highly experienced staff, trained non reactive dogs and secure environement)

Please get in touch by ian@justbemore.dog or below